Crieff Hydro Hotel

How a luxurious family spa resort transforms its room booking process with intelligent automation.

The Challenge

Crieff Hydro Hotel is a luxurious family spa resort in Scotland offering upscale accommodations, self-catering lodges, and top-notch dining experiences.

The hotel’s booking team were struggling to handle new booking requests and manage more complicated tasks, including amending occupant numbers or answering specific queries.
Manual data transfer from the Avvio booking system to Maestro, the hotel’s property management system (PMS), was time-consuming and error prone. Staff also occasionally missed data anomalies that could have been clarified with clients.

After initial discussions with FD Intelligence, it was clear that this booking process was a compelling candidate for intelligent automation.

The Solution

FD Intelligence’s intelligently automated solution enables software robots to swiftly extract and read all data for each booking from Avvio emails, then accurately process it in Maestro.

Other booking charges, including late check in/out and dinner, are added and messages involving guests’ requests like flowers on arrival or anniversary cards, are relayed to the necessary teams.

Emails are also sent to confirm guest numbers or provide additional information such as golf bookings or whiskey tasting.
Robots also check that all relevant data is present within the confirmation and any emails failing these checks are immediately flagged for review by the reservations team.

Running three times each day, the process has potential for wider implementation across Crieff Hydro’s additional hotels.

The Results

Highly precise, productive robots have removed discrepancies between web bookings and the PMS to deliver a faster and efficient room booking process.

A team member previously spending six hours each day handling simple web bookings is now free to perform more complex tasks and enhancing guest experiences.

The streamlined process significantly reduces the time to log bookings in the PMS and provide confirmation to guests.

Overall, the hotel now offers an enhanced customer experience from the moment a reservation is made.

“The robot worker is a fantastic addition. Our Sales team can now focus on valuable tasks, such as speaking with guests regarding any queries, and on improving our customer satisfaction overall. Working with FD Intelligence throughout has been a positive experience and we’re reviewing all areas where intelligent automation will help us cut costs and improve service levels.”

Joan Adams, Resort Sales Manager,
Crieff Hydro Hotel.

To find out more contact us today.